Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My First Post, Well Sort Of...

Chief: "Here's a link to the food blog I just created, tell me what you think." Half-chuckling in disbelief at the idea that my longtime friend, of all people created a food blog I starred at the link before my eyes and eventually clicked on it. But as I read his posts from my blackberry I got the same feeling of excitement I get before digging into a pastrami on rye at Katz's. TheDegustationAsian: "Hey this looks pretty good so far, so um would you mind if...I mean, would you want to...so, can we do the blog together?" Chief: "Of course, besides, you have all the pictures." And so it was settled, I became the co-blogger of Law & Food.

One could argue that the transition from two long-time friends eating, working and living in New York City to the food blogosphere was something of a natural progression, inevitable if you will. One of my first memories of Chief was during his first week at college where I was a sophomore RA of the dorm we lived in. It was about 3 a.m. and after a long night of debauchery I witnessed Chief asleep on his couch with an empty pizza box on his lap, crust still in hand. Ultimately that anecdote is an example of what brings both of us and this blog together; a passion for food from two lawyers. From enduring long lines in the most extreme weather for a Shack Burger at Shake Shack to the frustration that is the Momofuku reservation system we do it for the love of food.

Like Chief I'm also a lawyer in New York City. I live in Brooklyn and think that its the home of one of the most progressive and best foods (both low and high end) in New York. I was born in Korea but grew up in Rochester, New York home of Eastman Kodak, Wegmans and garbage plates from Nick Tahou's. In addition to food I love to travel, the Atlanta Braves, indie rock and am partial to kimchi.

So what makes Law & Food different from almost every other food blog on the internet? The simple answer is Chief and myself. Food, like music is a subjective experience. What one person finds delicious another finds disgusting; what one finds innovative another finds boring. Keeping in mind that we're not Frank Bruni, nor do we hold ourselves out to be one we will attempt to share our culinary adventures with you while giving you our personal opinions about the experiences. While the majority of my posts will pertain to food I also hope to occasionally write about music or law.

In the closure to my first blog post on Law & Food I'll share one more story with you. During law school Chief and I always joked around that if this whole lawyer thing didn't work out, we'd follow our dreams and go to culinary school and open a restaurant together. Fortunately, both he and I passed the bar exam and became lawyers and while we never ended up swapping our law books for whisks and spatulas in culinary school, I still believe we are following our dreams and love of food by sharing this blog with you.

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